CJCLife  will be going to India in January - February 2020 for a mission trip. We are in the planning stages right now. I wanted to share what God is doing in CJCLife and to extend an invitation to walk alongside us in this journey.

Philippians 4:17 says “Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account.”  And just as 1 Corinthians 12:12 states that there is one body but many parts, so are we all one body. Likewise, as a part of one body, CJCLife and I are going forth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  But we need the fellowship of those who would send us and be joined with us in serving our Lord and Savior.

Would you prayerfully consider walking alongside CJCLife Church and I on this journey? What we would need is twofold.  First, for you to enter into a covenant relationship and to pray for us daily. To lift us up and surround us with spiritual cover and protection. To ask God to give us the wisdom and words to minister His light and love to the children of the orphanage and the people in the community of India.  Our part of that covenant is to pray for you also and to share with you the ways in which we witness God working, how we experience Him changing the lives of others and changing us.

Secondly, if you would consider supporting us and the mission's team financially, that would be a tremendous blessing.  Your financial support is optional and has no bearing on being a prayer partner. However, any amount would be appreciated and would benefit us to change lives in India.
If you would be willing to support us financially, please use the following link.  The link to the donations page is: